Friar building a tower with blocks

January 2025

Friar dressed as baby new year 2025 with hanukkah candles in the background
Byron the diapered bear playing with Thundercats toys
Everett the diapered badger tucking in his snake plushie
Friar the diapered lion waking up in his treehouse
Berry about to get his messy diaper changed
Friar dressed in his dino hoodie
Everett holding up his snake plushie
regressed Tylahn drinking a bottle
Rudy Redstar posing in a messy diaper for Fudgies diapers
Friar listening to prog rock
Toffee T posing on the potty
Friar age regressed
Everett snuggling his snake plushie in bed
Berry playing with Legos
Everett filling his diaper on all fours
Rudy Redstar holding a sippie cup
Everett looking for his glasses
Everett age regressed
Toffee sucking his thumb
Friar wearing a Luigi hat
Tylahn flopped on a soft bed
Cadence the civet yelling at an apolitical dog person
Ozzyfox crying
Toffee regressed
Friar regressed and holding a birthday cake
Toffee playing with a train
Everett with a riding toy dumptruck
Toffee sleeping with security blanket
Fowler Hedgehog defending Everett
Friar drawing abstract art
Rudy Redstar holding his rattle
Los Pollos Hermanos getting diaper changed
Jesse with a tummyache
Pax the Beaver eating a swiss roll with a glass of milk
Rudy Redstar climbing up into a crib

Everett the badger paintingCommissions Jesse the hyena, Friar the lion, and Berry the fox huggingGallery
Friar the lion holding a bass, throwing the metal hornsMusic Friar the lion riding a coin op planeBio
Toffee and Everett on a tricycleLinks Everett playing on his tabletContact

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