Friar building a tower with blocks

February 2025

Friar eating donuts on the potty
Adult Rudy Redstar crawling around the pushies school daycare
Everett collecting some mushrooms
Toffee flopped in bed
Rudy Redstar filling his diaper by the couch
Everett filling his diaper by the couch
Crunch getting his diaper changed by Friar
Everett playing his toy piano
Strigi the wet and messy diapered owl
Tylahn watching Strigi win the superb owl
Gatchmon in a poopy diaper on a trike
Everett reading a book about mushrooms
Adult Friar using a buzzy wand
Berry dreaming of being fat
Everett dressed up as cupid
Wyldyre changing Berry's diaper
Everett playing in a jungle gym
Comic of Everett eating Shin the Axolotl
Friar dressed as a dragon
edgy babyfur Tails
Toffee chewing his chew toy and playing 3DS
OzzyFox daydreaming
Everett in a crib
Tylahn napping in a crib
Everett in Kion pullups
Berry cuddling a Wyldfyre plushie
Friar as a kangaroo punching a messy diaper
Berry kicking a messy diaper as a kangaroo
Everett as a kangaroo looking at a snake
Tylahn as a kangaroo drinking some milk

Everett the badger paintingCommissions Jesse the hyena, Friar the lion, and Berry the fox huggingGallery
Friar the lion holding a bass, throwing the metal hornsMusic Friar the lion riding a coin op planeBio
Toffee and Everett on a tricycleLinks Everett playing on his tabletContact

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